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  • How do I get to the Lodge?
    There is only one way you can get to our Lodge - You have to rent a rental car. No public transport is available in this area.
  • Do I need a 4wd to drive there?
    We only recommend a 4wd during winter months (late October to March), otherwise it is not necessary to have a 4wd. There is only one small gravel road leading to the Lodge and it has winter service, but during heavy snowfall it's possible that it will not be completely free of snow. Please always check and road conditions on before you go on a journey. You can find weather forecast and storm warnings on
  • How long does it take from the international airport to drive there?
    At normal road conditions it takes 1:15h. The distance is 86km from the international airport in Keflavík. In winter conditons, please calculate 30min more time each way, roads can be slippery or speed has to be adjusted if there is snow on the roads.
  • Is a one night stay possible?
    We have a minimum stay of two nights due to the remote location and cleaning costs and we have to do the booking and payment process all manually. We can arrange one night stays upon request if it fits in the calendar from time to time, but the price will be higher to cover the additional costs/time of cleaning and for the staff costs and effort for the manual booking. One night will be 499€ at the moment. Just send us an email in this case and we'll book your one night stay manually - if possible. You get a paypal money request from us (please provide us with your paypal email address in your first contact mail). Please understand that we maybe also do not accept your request for a specific date for example in high season if there's only a two night stay left - we'll keep this spaces for guests who book a normal two night stay as this is much less effort and costs for us. We also do not take one night only stays far in advance (like more than two months ahead), mostly we use them to fill the free spaces in the calendar. Thank you for understanding.
  • Do you organize pick-up and/or tours?
    No, it's accomodation only, we do not organize any tours nor provide pick-up.
  • Do you have a waiting list for booked out days?
    No unfortunately we do not have a waiting list. There is only one Lodge at the moment and we get booked out quite quickly. Best is to book 6-7 months in advance. But we will open up our two new Lodges around November this year and they will be ready to book around October we expect. We get several emails per day about waiting lists and it would be just too much effort for us as a small family business to handle them all and inform all the people or see who was first with asking about a specific date and so on. If there should be any short term availability we will announce that on our Facebook page. So if you are spontaneous, please check our FB page and turn notifications on to be sure to not miss out on announcments of free dates and be informed quickly. First come, first serve.
  • Is the Lodge heated?
    Yes it's heated with floor heating plus you can adjust temperature from the two electrical heaters with remote control. We also do have ceiling heaters and one for the glass roof. These ones you can just put on or off. For winter time we always turn on the floor heating as well. During summer it can get quite hot, we recommend having the terrace door a bit open during daytime. Heaters will not be on during summer, if you need them you can just turn them on.
  • How much $ or £ is the rate per night?
    We do not display $ or £ prices as the exchange rates vary a lot week to week (or sometimes even day to day). Please check your exchange rate yourself before booking. The booking will always be paid in € via paypal automatically, you get charged in your currency. Just type in the amount in € and paypal will display you how much the amount in your currency is.
  • Where is the next grocery store?
    The next possibility to buy food is at the petrol station Ólís, which is around 12minutes drive away. They only have a very limited basic assortment and are open until 8PM daily. If you want to buy proper groceries, we recommend to stop by in Mosfellsbær at Bónus (cheapest supermarket) or Krónan (more variety, normal price). Stop in Akranes town if you come from direction north to buy groceries, it's the closest town. There's no breakfast provided and we only have a basic kitchen assortment like pasta, rice, cereals, oil, vinegar, herbs and spices.
  • How private is the area?
    The area is a remote area and there are only 5 houses at the shoreline (around 100m away each). It's pitchdark at night (except fullmoon and midsummer) and no curtains are needed. But if you feel more private, you can just let the roller blinds down :). The closest houses are only summerhouses and not inhabited regularely. You get to enjoy full privacy while bathing in the hot pool as well.
  • Is the Lodge suitable for a little kid/baby?
    The Lodge is only suitable for two adults and there is only a 1.80m width bed and also only two chairs, two sets of cutlery and dishes and only two towels etc. The Cabin is quite tiny and there is not much space. Also the property isn't kids safe. Thank you for understanding that an overnight stay is only possible with two adults maximum. In special cases we do allow babies up to 1 year to stay with their parents. The Lodge was made as a romantic getaway and we built it for honeymooners and couples who want to enjoy pure silence in a wonderful area which is unfortunately not kids safe and also the interior is not kids safe. We didn't expect it to run that good but are planning for a further Lodge later next year where the surroundings are kids friendly.
  • Is there more than one Lodge for more than two Persons?
    There's only this one single cabin at the moment what you can see on all the pictures. It accomodates ONLY TWO adults and not more and also no kids unfortunately. We do not allow more than two adults to stay in the lodge, it is not made for more than two and is very tiny and we only have dishes etc for only two persons. We're expanding this year and add two more Lodges in the south of Iceland on a wonderful property (more about this on our Instagram). They are expected in November this year and we inform in our newsletter when bookings go live.
  • Are there curtains on the windows?
    Yes we do have blackout rollerblinds on the side curtains around the bed for that extra little bit privacy in case someone feels uncomfortable :). But there are no curtains on the rooftop windows, means there will be light from the sun or moon if it's fullmoon and we recommend to bring your sleeping masks with you if you are light sensitive. The Lodge is meant to sleep under the stars and that's why there are no curtains on the roof, it would just disturbe the nature vibes :). Thank you for understanding.
  • Is there enough space for our luggage?
    We have only two little drawers for guests to put in their belongings and probably space for one luggage on the side of the wall. The Lodge is very tiny as you can see on the pictures and the cupboard is only full of cleaning and maintenance stuff plus food. So we advise you to leave most of your things in your car and only take what you need inside the Lodge. Some guests store their luggage under the bed. But basically it's very safe to leave things inside your car, so you don't have to worry about that :).
  • How does it work with the hot pool?
    You fill the pool yourself with water (there's an instruction printed inside the Lodge). Please note that it takes around 30min to fill the pool with water and around 5 hours to heat the water. So if you would like to enjoy the hot pool on your arrival day on time, please make sure to not check-in too late. It's regularely heated on 39/40 degrees celsius.
  • When do I get the door opening code?
    As stated in your booking confirmation (which you have received via email after making the booking), you will get the electronic code for the door only one day before check-in via email (mostly in the afternoon or evening). It's not possible for us to send that code sooner as we have to program it every time new with each booking and you also anyway don't need it sooner ;). So please no hurries. The code will be only valid during your stay from check-in at 15:00 until latest check-out 11:00.
  • Why is noone answering the phone?
    Please first check the current time in Iceland (GMT). We are mostly available between 8:00 and 19:00 on weekdays- Icelandic time. If we still do not take the phone or call back please note that we are only a tiny family business and have little kids and there is no physical office and it's sometimes difficult to manage everything. Emails will be always answered if we see that your question can not be answered thru our FAQ :). So rather try to email us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Over weekends we try to answer emails but it can also take us until Monday to get back to you. So please be patient.
  • When can I see the northern lights?
    You can only see the northern lights during winter time when it's dark outside (from around late August to late April). Also you only see them if it's cloudless, not raining and not snowing. There is no certain time when they appear the most - they can appear from early evening to early morning. Just don't forget to look up in the sky frequently when it's dark outside. Also check our aurora forecast and cloudcover forecast every 15min to see how big your chances will be. Sometimes they are not very active and you do not see them even on a cloudless night. You also need a bit of luck to see them :). Generally you can say, if you can see the stars and are patient and staring into the sky for hours, your chances are high that you see some. December and January are usually the months with the heaviest storms and there are a lot of storms, so we would say these months the chances are a bit smaller that you see the Auroras (but not impossible), but every year is different.
  • Which interesting places/sightseeing are in the surrounding area?
    There is Hvalfjarðareyri just 5min away from the Lodge. It is a beautiful place with a tiny lighthouse where you can go down for a walk and bird watching. Also on the left side of the road you find an amazing rock formation at the cliffs where you can take beautiful pictures. Staupasteinn is an incredible viewing platform to have a look over the fjord and having a rest. It is around 10min drive away into the fjord. You can go on a wonderful 14km hike through Blikdalur (10min drive away, behind Mt.Esja), there is a canyon and wonderful view on the surrounding mountains. Just park your car on the little parking space at the beginning of Road 47. It's a quite secret hiking route popular by Icelanders :). Of course you can also just walk half way or so and turn around if you don't want to hike the full circle. Then there is Glymur waterfall (25min drive away), the almost highest waterfall in Iceland with 196m fall. You can reach the waterfall after a 1.5h hike, it's very popular with tourists and always some people around so if you are traveling alone it's easy to get some company there. A nice and interesting place is Grábrók volcano crater, it is 1:05h away and you can hike around the crater and look at the surroundings. A good day trip is hiking up Mt. Esja, the parking lot is a 20min drive away (Esjustofa). You can also drive to the town of Akranes and go up to the lighthouse where you will have an amazing view on Reykjavík and the ocean and you can also have a walk at the beautiful beach there. An alternative is drive all around the Fjord which is of course also an amazing route with beautiful views. Golden circle tour is also easily doable on a day from Hvalfjörður area on. On the way to Þingvellir you can make an extra stop at Þórufoss on the road Nr.48. Its a very beautiful and big waterfall, famous from the Game of Thrones :). Hraunfossar waterfalls are 1:20h away from the Lodge, also a nice day trip. On the way there is the new geothermal spa/bath Krauma where you could take a dip in the hot pools and get some spa threatments as well. There are possibilities for golfing (with beautiful sea view area) in Mosfellsbær town, 20min away.
  • What do I have to know for my summer stay (May-August)?
    If you booked a stay with us in Summer you'll be lucky for sure to experience the amazing midnight sunsets out of your bed or the hot pool if the weather is good. Tough Summer also has his side effects ;). There are a lot of flies around waters outside and they also love our glass cabin like everyone else does. You find 2 fly swatters in our Lodge so you can catch these little friends together and have some fun :). One phenomenon is new in Iceland and these are the Lúsmý. They're transparent and so tiny that you can't see them and they are always outside (mostly in evenings or mornings) near waters and go thru clothes and leave you with dozens of itchy stitches. You don't feel anything when they sting you, only a few hours later you discover the itchy stitches. Also there's no need for heaters in Summer as it gets quite warm anyway through the sun in the Lodge. Heaters are always off during summertime but of course if you need them you can turn them on, but please put them off again before check-out. On hot days (for icelandic conditions at least) we recommend to leave the balcony door open while you are in the cabin. For light sensitive people we recommend taking your eye masks with you to get full darkness at night as the sun never sets during summer. We have blackout curtains available for the side windows but the ceiling has no curtains, means it is still not completely dark.
  • How is the weather during winter? Information for my winter stay:
    Winters in Iceland are mild but a bit windy. So pack enough warm clothes and a hat, waterproof gear is always recommended. There can be violent and dangerous storms in the winter months which reach it's peak at December and January with sometimes closed roads and difficult driving conditions. If the road is closed to our Lodge we have to cancel the booking as it's not allowed for anyone to drive (and therefore also not possible for us to go and clean the Lodge) and you also shouldn't go outside during a violent storm. If you are at the Lodge during a storm, please don't use the hot pool as it can be very dangerous and secure the pool cover with the heavy stones that lay besides the pool. Do not leave anything outside the terrace during a storm, wind gusts can reach up to 50m/s and blow everything away. There is also a weather protecting door which should always be closed when inside the Lodge or when you are away exploring the country. Take weather warnings always serious! You get a storm information email from us in case you are in the Lodge during a storm. Please note that it can get a little cold around the bed area during winter time because it is surrounded only by glass. It is not extremely cold but around 17-18 degrees celsius and only in the bed area. You should always check for weather forecasts and storm alerts. Also before you go on a journey, please check or
  • Can I book a stay after the period from October 2020?
    We didn't open bookings yet for the period after October 2020. We will inform about this on our FB page or in our newsletter as soon as we release the booking dates (most likely around end of January 2020). But we will have our two new cabins ready around November/December 2019 and they will be even nicer than the current one and we will release bookings around October/November 2019. Information about this also on our newsletter. We also do not take any pre reservations on bookings after October 2020. First come, first serve. Thank you for understanding and your patience.
  • Do you offer Jobs?
    We are searching for a long term part time houskeeping lady (6 hrs a week over lunchtime) with own car who lives in Reykjavik. We do not offer any other jobs at the moment. Unadressed emails with CV's won't get answered as we have no time for that at the moment. Good advise: Please inform yourself about the company you want to work before you apply for a job ;). We don't need any cooking chefs or waitresses or barkeepers. There's only one single cabin and no need for these positions. Thank you and good luck.
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